Friday, January 18, 2008

And my good name is........

A common question asked, when two people are introduced to each other, "What is your good name?". It beats me how this particular question evolved. I always show interest in names and sometimes try to follow the logic behind the names. As an extension, I also show keen interest in the way people speak English, especially in India as it is not our native language. Phrases like "Come here, no", "Give to me, no", etc., are all direct translation from theway we speak Indian languages. There are other terms like okay va, foodu, bulbu, etc. Still another phrase which has caught my attention is "I am coming there only", "I was talking with him only", etc.

These are all understandable because the way we talk our native language largely impacts the way we talk any foreign language. However, I still am not very sure how the 'good name' syndrome evolved? Probably it has got to do something with the respect we show towards our elders. Maybe someone started it, because they wanted to ask the name of an older person and probably thought it would be a disrespect if he asked it plainly. Earlier, it used to be the telemarketers or salespeople, who asked this. However, now this culture is prevalent even among the blue collar class.

I feel like retorting back by saying, I have lot of names, but I am not sure what my good name is? I even have favourite names. For instance my favourite name is Sanky, my father's favourite name is Guru, Friends call me Sanky, Sankara, Sanks or even Snake. But the most craziest of all names is Binchu (short for a totally weird name, that my cousin came up with and she calls me that to this day!). But my good name, am still not sure. So the next time, someone asks me this question, I am going to reply to them by reeling off my 20 odd names and let their imagination to select whichever is good.


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SHEJ said...
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SHEJ said...

Hey Sankaraaa!

My good name is Shejina...
But ppl also call me Sheji or Sanju...

This is an interesting blog, no ? :)
Why did u stop blogging ??
You should continue like this only !!