Friday, November 9, 2007


Yeah, finally I gave in to the Potter mania.....I finished reading the first five books and watched all five films in a space of one week ! Sounds like crazy, isn't it? Even few months ago, I wouldn't have imagined reading Harry Potter books. Infact, I had a choice, way back in 1999, either to read Potter series or Lord of the Rings series. Since my dear cousins wouldn't part with Potter books and also they were half way through their respective Potter books, I had no choice but to read LOTR. I should admit LOTR resurrected my interest in reading after a lacuna that lasted for about 5 or 6 years. I set a record for myself by finishing all the three LOTR books within 10 days.

Anyway, I do not know what aroused to me to embark on the 'epic' journey, but I must admit it seized my attention completely once I began it. It might be due to the endless Potter talk earlier this year, with the much awaited final book and 5th film having released within a short span of time. As luck would have it my room mate happened to have all the 7 Potter books. So I procured them from him immediately. And my other room mate burned all the Potter movies released so far. So that is how Potter finally had me floored, and now I can't wait for November 2008. Yeah, that is when they are releasing The Half-Blood Prince.

By the way, the 5th book I obtained from my friend was totally weird. The story was so completely different and I have no idea how it came into existence. I was thoroughly disappointed when the movie started differently from what I read, because this was one movie I was waiting to see. So then I searched the net for the plausible reason for this seemingly devious occurence. I even read somewhere that J.K. Rowling gave complete freedom to the makers of the film and she wanted to see a fantastic film. I was fuming at this point, because I am a staunch believer that a movie should always be a faithful adoption of the book. At this point I stopped reading the books. And only after a month's time did I realize there existed another version of The Order of the Phoenix, the true version, ofcourse ! So now am back again, reading the 5th book yet again. Yet, I must admit that I thoroughly enjoyed the other version, I even wish that it was the true version.

Some tidbits from the other version:
Harry starts body building and many girls are placed under Imperious Curse, so they start making advances toward him.
Harry and Hermione fall in love, Ginny and Malfoy fall in love, Lucius is sent to Azkaban.

If any of you have read this version please let me know, I am just dazed by this and if someone can enlighten me how such a book came into existence in the first place. Please e-mail me for a free copy. Any Potter fan reading this?


Anonymous said...


what was this other 5th version called? was it by any chance barry trotter?? bcos i think that series of books are the spoof versions of the harry potter books...

Sanky said...

nothing no just starts off directly with the story..i dint suspect foul play coz there are dozens of other books which i downloaded, and many of them did not have the contents, they jus start right away with the chapters.....n i hav no idea who cud hav done this...very very creative !!!!